
The good news is we haven’t encountered any significant issues with Playwright in all of our testing! However, we’re aware of the following problems:

Blank MetaMask previews in traces

When using Playwright UI mode or the HTML reporter, all previews of the MetaMask tab/popup traces are blank. This is due to MetaMask’s LavaMoat security policy, and while we find it extremely annoying, we cannot do anything about it.

If you require the previews for development purposes, your only option is to compile MetaMask yourself from the source code and disable the LavaMoat policies. Hit us up on Discord if you need help with that.


MetaMask is not working in headless mode on GitHub Actions CI

Due to a bug in MetaMask, it’s impossible to run MetaMask in headless mode on GitHub Actions. We’re certain this bug affects other CI providers, however, we have yet to test it.

You can run the tests in the headful mode on CI, and they will work just fine.