Function: configureSynpressForEthereumWalletMock()
Configures Synpress for use with the Ethereum Wallet Mock.
This function sets up the necessary configurations and hooks for running Cypress tests with the Ethereum Wallet Mock. It performs the following tasks:
- Filters the available browsers to ensure only Chrome is used.
- Sets up a ‘before:browser:launch’ hook to enable debug mode and establish a Playwright connection.
- Sets up a ‘before:spec’ hook to initialize the Ethereum Wallet Mock before each test spec runs.
Parameter | Type | Description |
on | PluginEvents | Cypress plugin event handler |
config | PluginConfigOptions | Cypress plugin configuration options |
Modified Cypress configuration
Member | Type |
animationDistanceThreshold | number |
arch | string |
autoOpen | boolean |
baseUrl | string | null |
blockHosts | string | string [] | null |
browser | Cypress.Browser |
browserUrl | string |
browsers | Cypress.Browser [] |
chromeWebSecurity | boolean |
clientCertificates | Cypress.ClientCertificate [] |
clientRoute | string |
component | Cypress.ComponentConfigOptions <any > |
configFile | string |
cypressBinaryRoot | string |
cypressEnv | string |
defaultCommandTimeout | number |
devServerPublicPathRoute | string |
downloadsFolder | string |
e2e | Cypress.EndToEndConfigOptions |
env | {} |
excludeSpecPattern | string | string [] |
execTimeout | number |
experimentalCspAllowList | boolean | Cypress.experimentalCspAllowedDirectives [] |
experimentalFetchPolyfill | boolean |
experimentalInteractiveRunEvents | boolean |
experimentalMemoryManagement | boolean |
experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode | boolean |
experimentalSkipDomainInjection | string [] | null |
experimentalSourceRewriting | boolean |
experimentalStudio | boolean |
experimentalWebKitSupport | boolean |
fileServerFolder | string |
fixturesFolder | string | false |
hideCommandLog | boolean |
hideRunnerUi | boolean |
hosts | {} | null |
includeShadowDom | boolean |
indexHtmlFile | string |
isInteractive | boolean |
isNewProject | boolean |
isTextTerminal | boolean |
modifyObstructiveCode | boolean |
morgan | boolean |
namespace | string |
numTestsKeptInMemory | number |
pageLoadTimeout | number |
parentTestsFolder | string |
parentTestsFolderDisplay | string |
platform | "linux" | "darwin" | "win32" |
port | number | null |
projectId | string | null |
projectName | string |
projectRoot | string |
protocolEnabled | boolean |
proxyUrl | string |
redirectionLimit | number |
remote | Cypress.RemoteState |
repoRoot | string | null |
report | boolean |
reporter | string |
reporterOptions | {} |
reporterRoute | string |
reporterUrl | string |
requestTimeout | number |
resolvedNodePath | string |
resolvedNodeVersion | string |
responseTimeout | number |
retries | Cypress.Nullable <number | { "openMode" : Cypress.Nullable <number >; "runMode" : Cypress.Nullable <number > } | Cypress.RetryStrategyWithModeSpecs > |
screenshotOnRunFailure | boolean |
screenshotsFolder | string | false |
scrollBehavior | Cypress.scrollBehaviorOptions |
setupNodeEvents | (on , config ) => void | Cypress.PluginConfigOptions | Promise <void | Cypress.PluginConfigOptions > |
slowTestThreshold | number |
socketId | string | null |
socketIoCookie | string |
socketIoRoute | string |
spec | Cypress.Spec | null |
specPattern | string | string [] |
specs | Cypress.Spec [] |
supportFile | string | false |
supportFolder | string |
taskTimeout | number |
testIsolation | boolean |
testingType | Cypress.TestingType |
trashAssetsBeforeRuns | boolean |
userAgent | string | null |
version | string |
video | boolean |
videoCompression | number | boolean |
videosFolder | string |
viewportHeight | number |
viewportWidth | number |
waitForAnimations | boolean |
watchForFileChanges | boolean |
Error If no Chrome browser is found in the configuration