Function: configureSynpressForMetaMask()
Configures Synpress for use with MetaMask.
This function sets up the necessary configurations and hooks for running Cypress tests with MetaMask.
Parameter | Type | Description |
on | PluginEvents | Cypress plugin event handler |
config | PluginConfigOptions | Cypress plugin configuration options |
importDefaultWallet ? | boolean | Whether to import the default wallet |
Modified Cypress configuration
Member | Type |
animationDistanceThreshold | number |
arch | string |
autoOpen | boolean |
baseUrl | string | null |
blockHosts | string | string [] | null |
browser | Cypress.Browser |
browserUrl | string |
browsers | Cypress.Browser [] |
chromeWebSecurity | boolean |
clientCertificates | Cypress.ClientCertificate [] |
clientRoute | string |
component | Cypress.ComponentConfigOptions <any > |
configFile | string |
cypressBinaryRoot | string |
cypressEnv | string |
defaultCommandTimeout | number |
devServerPublicPathRoute | string |
downloadsFolder | string |
e2e | Cypress.EndToEndConfigOptions |
env | {} |
excludeSpecPattern | string | string [] |
execTimeout | number |
experimentalCspAllowList | boolean | Cypress.experimentalCspAllowedDirectives [] |
experimentalFetchPolyfill | boolean |
experimentalInteractiveRunEvents | boolean |
experimentalMemoryManagement | boolean |
experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode | boolean |
experimentalSkipDomainInjection | string [] | null |
experimentalSourceRewriting | boolean |
experimentalStudio | boolean |
experimentalWebKitSupport | boolean |
fileServerFolder | string |
fixturesFolder | string | false |
hideCommandLog | boolean |
hideRunnerUi | boolean |
hosts | {} | null |
includeShadowDom | boolean |
indexHtmlFile | string |
isInteractive | boolean |
isNewProject | boolean |
isTextTerminal | boolean |
modifyObstructiveCode | boolean |
morgan | boolean |
namespace | string |
numTestsKeptInMemory | number |
pageLoadTimeout | number |
parentTestsFolder | string |
parentTestsFolderDisplay | string |
platform | "darwin" | "linux" | "win32" |
port | number | null |
projectId | string | null |
projectName | string |
projectRoot | string |
protocolEnabled | boolean |
proxyUrl | string |
redirectionLimit | number |
remote | Cypress.RemoteState |
repoRoot | string | null |
report | boolean |
reporter | string |
reporterOptions | {} |
reporterRoute | string |
reporterUrl | string |
requestTimeout | number |
resolvedNodePath | string |
resolvedNodeVersion | string |
responseTimeout | number |
retries | Cypress.Nullable <number | { "openMode" : Cypress.Nullable <number >; "runMode" : Cypress.Nullable <number > } | Cypress.RetryStrategyWithModeSpecs > |
screenshotOnRunFailure | boolean |
screenshotsFolder | string | false |
scrollBehavior | Cypress.scrollBehaviorOptions |
setupNodeEvents | (on , config ) => void | Cypress.PluginConfigOptions | Promise <void | Cypress.PluginConfigOptions > |
slowTestThreshold | number |
socketId | string | null |
socketIoCookie | string |
socketIoRoute | string |
spec | Cypress.Spec | null |
specPattern | string | string [] |
specs | Cypress.Spec [] |
supportFile | string | false |
supportFolder | string |
taskTimeout | number |
testIsolation | boolean |
testingType | Cypress.TestingType |
trashAssetsBeforeRuns | boolean |
userAgent | string | null |
version | string |
video | boolean |
videoCompression | number | boolean |
videosFolder | string |
viewportHeight | number |
viewportWidth | number |
waitForAnimations | boolean |
watchForFileChanges | boolean |
Error If no Chrome browser is found in the configuration
This function performs the following tasks:
- Filters the available browsers to ensure only Chrome is used.
- Sets up a ‘before:browser:launch’ hook to enable debug mode, establish a Playwright connection, and initialize MetaMask.
- Sets up a ‘before:spec’ hook to import the MetaMask wallet before each test spec runs.
- Provides task handlers for various MetaMask-related operations.