This guide provides a streamlined setup process for integrating Cypress with Synpress to automate tests for Web3 dapps. While this covers the basic configuration, Synpress offers a wide range of advanced features for comprehensive testing.


  • Node.js v18+
  • Basic knowledge of Cypress and TypeScript


Install Cypress and Synpress in your project:

npm install --save-dev cypress @synthetixio/synpress@latest


  1. Create a Cypress configuration file (cypress.config.ts) in your project root:

    import { configureSynpressForMetaMask } from "@synthetixio/synpress/cypress";
    import { defineConfig } from "cypress";
    export default defineConfig({
      chromeWebSecurity: true,
      e2e: {
        baseUrl: "http://localhost:9999",
        specPattern: "test/cypress/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}",
        supportFile: "src/cypress/support/e2e.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}",
        testIsolation: false,
        async setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
          return configureSynpressForMetaMask(on, config);
  2. Create a support file (src/cypress/support/e2e.ts) and import Synpress commands:

    import { synpressCommandsForMetaMask } from "@synthetixio/synpress/cypress/support";
    Cypress.on("uncaught:exception", () => {
      // failing the test
      return false;
    before(() => {
  3. Update your tsconfig.json to include Cypress types:

      "compilerOptions": {
        "types": ["cypress"],
        "esModuleInterop": true
      "include": ["cypress.config.ts", "test", "src"],
      "files": ["environment.d.ts"]

Writing Tests

Here’s an optimized example of how to write tests using Cypress with Synpress integration:

  1. Create a new test file (e.g., test/cypress/e2e/

    describe('MetaMask', () => {
      it('should connect wallet and display account information', () => {
        // Click the connect button to initiate wallet connection
        // Use Synpress command to connect MetaMask to the dApp
        // Verify that the connected account address is displayed correctly
        // Additional test steps can be added here, such as:
        // - Sending transactions
        // - Interacting with smart contracts
        // - Testing dapp-specific functionality

Running Tests

To run your Cypress tests with Synpress:

  1. Ensure your local development server is running (if testing against a local app).

  2. Run the tests using the following command:

    npx cypress run --browser chrome --headed

This will execute your tests using Cypress with Synpress integration in headless mode.

Next Steps

  • Dive deeper into Synpress capabilities:

    • Study the Synpress API documentation for comprehensive command and utility details.
    • Explore advanced features like custom network management, gas fee optimization, and event listeners.
  • Enhance your test suite:

    • Implement complex scenarios such as token transfers, smart contract interactions, and multi-step dApp workflows.
    • Simulate various network conditions to ensure robust dApp performance.
    • Utilize Synpress’s built-in commands for MetaMask interactions and blockchain operations.