This guide provides a quick setup process for Playwright with Synpress to automate tests for Web3 dapps. Note that this is a basic configuration, and Synpress offers many more advanced functions and features for comprehensive testing.


  • Node.js v18+
  • Playwright and TypeScript knowledge


  1. Install Playwright and its dependencies:

    npm init playwright@latest

    Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

  2. Install Synpress as a dev dependency:

    npm install --save-dev @synthetixio/synpress


  1. Create or update your Playwright configuration file (e.g., playwright.config.ts):

    // Import necessary Playwright and Synpress modules
    import { defineConfig, devices } from '@playwright/test'
    // Define Playwright configuration
    export default defineConfig({
      testDir: './tests',
      fullyParallel: true,
      forbidOnly: !!process.env.CI,
      retries: process.env.CI ? 2 : 0,
      workers: process.env.CI ? 1 : undefined,
      reporter: 'html',
      use: {
        // Set base URL for tests
        baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
        trace: 'on-first-retry',
      projects: [
          name: 'chromium',
          use: { ...devices['Desktop Chrome'] },
      // Additional Synpress-specific configuration can be added here
  2. Create a basic wallet setup file (e.g., wallet-setup/basic.setup.ts):

    // Import necessary Synpress modules
    import { defineWalletSetup } from '@synthetixio/synpress'
    import { MetaMask } from '@synthetixio/synpress/playwright'
    // Define a test seed phrase and password
    const SEED_PHRASE = 'test test test test test test test test test test test junk'
    const PASSWORD = 'Tester@1234'
    // Define the basic wallet setup
    export default defineWalletSetup(PASSWORD, async (context, walletPage) => {
      // Create a new MetaMask instance
      const metamask = new MetaMask(context, walletPage, PASSWORD)
      // Import the wallet using the seed phrase
      await metamask.importWallet(SEED_PHRASE)
      // Additional setup steps can be added here, such as:
      // - Adding custom networks
      // - Importing tokens
      // - Setting up specific account states
  3. Create a test file (e.g., tests/example.spec.ts):

    // Import necessary Synpress modules and setup
    import { testWithSynpress } from '@synthetixio/synpress'
    import { MetaMask, metaMaskFixtures } from '@synthetixio/synpress/playwright'
    import basicSetup from '../wallet-setup/basic.setup'
    // Create a test instance with Synpress and MetaMask fixtures
    const test = testWithSynpress(metaMaskFixtures(basicSetup))
    // Extract expect function from test
    const { expect } = test
    // Define a basic test case
    test('should connect wallet to the MetaMask Test Dapp', async ({
    }) => {
      // Create a new MetaMask instance
      const metamask = new MetaMask(
      // Navigate to the homepage
      await page.goto('/')
      // Click the connect button
      await page.locator('#connectButton').click()
      // Connect MetaMask to the dapp
      await metamask.connectToDapp()
      // Verify the connected account address
      await expect(page.locator('#accounts')).toHaveText(
      // Additional test steps can be added here, such as:
      // - Sending transactions
      // - Interacting with smart contracts
      // - Testing dapp-specific functionality

Running Tests

To run your Playwright tests with Synpress:

  1. Start your local development server (if testing against a local app).

  2. Build wallet cache:

    npx synpress
  3. Run the tests:

    npx playwright test

This will execute your tests using Playwright with Synpress integration.

Next Steps